Ms. Chap Thorn, who lives in Boeung Mae La village, Boeung Mae La commune, Svay Leu district, Siem Reap province, is harvesting cassava gradually, and the price of dried cassava is 800 to 900 riel per kilogram.
With a small amount of land for growing cassava, along with other crops, Ms. Chap Thorn, 38, is harvesting cassava gradually by picking and chopping it, drying it, and then selling it to middlemen. The woman said that she has a small amount of land on the hill, but she does not plant much. In addition, she and her husband work as laborers, while their children also work as laborers when they are free from school.
This resident of Boeung Mae La village said that her family never migrated to foreign countries because they had seen people who went there in difficult times and were cheated by their bosses and not paid their wages. Ms. Chap Thorn claims that she never migrated, but still lives in the village and works around the village. As for her children, she sells a little to earn money for her children to go to school.
During this harvest season, in front of the houses of other villagers in Svay Leu district, they are busy cutting and drying their own cassava. Some villagers sell to traders who come to their homes, while others take their produce to sell at cassava collection stands.