Forty educational institutions in Kampong Thom province are leading a five-day (February 10-14) education and awareness campaign to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Cambodia.
The Kampong Thom Provincial Department of Education, in collaboration with the province-based Helen Keller International, is conducting an education and awareness campaign on the risk of non-communicable diseases across all 40 targeted educational institutions in the province. These include 14 schools in Taing Kok district, 13 schools in Santuk district, and 13 schools in Stoung district.
The education campaign is part of efforts to support the implementation of the third key action in the education sector, a high-level recommendation by Prime Minister Hun Sen, according to a press release.
The campaign was attended by the head, deputy head, and officers of the Academic Health Office of the provincial Department of Education, Youth and Sports, as well as the heads, deputy heads, and officers of the Health Offices from the three district administrations.
Health officials from the targeted health centers, village heads, commune health committees, village health supporters, citizens, parents, guardians, and students participated in the campaign.
The announcement continued that the education campaign to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases in Cambodia at the 40 targeted educational institutions aims to raise awareness about the types of non-communicable diseases and the four main risk factors associated with them, including eating habits that are too salty, sweet and fatty, lack of exercise or physical activity, alcohol consumption and smoking.
The campaign also provides guidance on how to prevent non-communicable diseases by promoting healthy habits, such as eating a nutritious diet that is low in sugar, salt and fat, exercising for at least 30 minutes daily, reducing alcohol consumption and quitting smoking.
In addition, the campaign also provides free health check-ups to citizens attended by officials from health centers, as well as 30-minute exercise programs for teachers, parents and guardians.